Here is our Covid-19 policy, created after undertaking a thorough Covid-19 risk assessment. This policy outlines measures and steps taken to keep the public and staff safe from Covid-19 where we can. We have assessed our practice for risks outlined and put in additional processes.
Risk – Even though we take hygiene as seriously as we can, we cannot provide a Covid-19 free environment. Every effort is being made to keep our customers and staff as safe as possible, and we are strictly following all official guidance.
We take our guidance from the professional bodies that oversee our professions including.
The General Osteopathic Council
The Health Professions Council
The College of Foot Care Practitioners
The Institute of Soft Tissue Therapists
Risk assessment updated on the 27th December 2020

Heightened cleaning regimes
Treatment rooms will be cleaned after every patient encounter, all hard surfaces will be wiped clean.
Waiting room will be closed when no receptionist is present, it will not need to be cleaned at the end of the day.
Patients will not need to touch anything in between arriving at the clinic to the treatment room where they will wash their hands.
When the waiting room is open, the receptionist will clean each chair after every use.
Toilets will be used only when asked for and will be cleaned after each use.
Weekly deep clean by our cleaner.
Card machine will be cleaned after each use and hand sanitiser provided for patients.
Increased protection measures
Pillows changed from fabric to wipeable and pillowcases removed.
All touchable items removed from reception. Magazines, stock closed in the cupboard.
Privacy screens removed from the treatment rooms.
Fans removed from the treatment rooms, clutter from desk removed, all objects placed in the cupboard.
Reception screen will be introduced, reception staff are not required to be there until screen is in place.
No cash payments, payments by BACS encouraged, card payments by default.
PPE will be provided for all staff including receptionists and practitioners.
Gloves, apron and mask for practitioner – Gloves and mask to be changed between patients, masks can be worn per session or changed once removed.
Masks for the reception team.
Patients to wear masks, if they don’t have one they will be sold one at cost price.
Put in place distancing measures
Waiting room to be closed and patients asked to wait in cars when no receptionists are present.
2 waiting rooms created upstairs and downstairs with adequate 2 metre distancing and wipeable chairs now in place.
Appointments will be staggered, 8:00am, 8:10am, 8:20am. Only appointments in line have one upstairs and one downstairs so no corridor crossing.
Case history will be taken using social distancing whilst in the clinic room.
Patients asked to attend alone unless a required carer/chaperone/guardian.
Staff training
All staff have been shown how to “don” their PPE and the protocol associated with wearing it. WIll be signed off by a director.
Correct hand washing has been shown and signed off by a director.
All staff have read the risk assessment,the patient journey and the clinic policy.
Providing remote/telehealth consultations
All patients will get a call within 24 hours of their appointment from their practitioner.
A covid triage will take place.
Patients will be asked to bring a face mask and wait in their car until collected.
Telehealth appointments encouraged in the first instance.
(Document last updated: 27/12/2020)