Did you know that the way you tie your laces can have a direct effect on your foot health?

Our feet bear the weight of our entire body and play a crucial role in maintaining balance and mobility, so they are a very key part of our body to look after. We all know a good fitting pair of shoes is important, but what would you say if we told you that the way you tie your laces is equally as important and can have a direct effect on your foot health?
Often our trainers come already laced and we don’t think about how the lacing style can affect your foot. So, if you wear trainers quite a lot and end up with pain, have some irritability or pins and needles after you’ve done a long walk or a run, sometimes how you lace them, can help relieve these pressures.

We’ve put together a series of videos to help explain the different lacing techniques that you can use to protect your feet, depending on what you're symptoms you are experiencing and the shape of your foot.
Here's our episode summary and just click on the links to watch the videos:
Episode 1 - Toe pain or black nails http://www.physicalbalance.com/ear-wax-removal
Episode 2 - Narrow feet
Episode 3 - Wide feet and shoes pinching
Episode 4 - Wide Forefoot if this causes trouble with fitting of trainers
Episode 5 - High Arches causing pins and needles on top of the foot
Episode 6 - Pain or protruding bones on top of the foot
Episode 7 - A heel lock to keep your shoe comfortably secure on your foot to stop it moving around and rubbing heels. This can be added to any of the above styles.
Episode 8 - Checking your shoes are the right fit for you
We'll be sharing these techniques on our social pages so please follow along, give them a try and let us know if you’ve found our techniques useful. Plus if you know someone who you think would benefit, please share it with them too!
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please visit www.physicalbalance.com or call the team on 01256 770022 and they’ll be happy to help.
Sarah Fincken – Foot Health Practitioner
Read more about Sarah in Our Team section